Our Album

Animal Requiem is an album to celebrate and honour all animals from composer Rachel Fuller.

Animal Requiem
Our latest videos
Each event is magical in its own way and we want to share the special feeling attached to all of them through our videos, so you can feel like you've taken part even if you cannot make it.
Host your own Requiem
Our intention is to make Animal Requiem available for any institution, no matter how large or small.
We aim to create a concert that can be performed in schools, colleges, concert halls and local churches.
Download all of our brand assets to communicate around your event. You will get access to our logos, imagery and more.
Download the Piano Vocal Score for inidvidual songs or the full album, to be able to perform your favourite requiems to the public.
Download the Small Ensemble Score Church Organ for individual songs or the full album, to be able to perform your favourite requiems to the public.
Contact us for information on acquiring the full orchestral score for performance